Welcome to the Western Sydney Sexual Health Centre (WSSHC)
We're a free, confidential public sexual health service.
We have two clinics; one in Parramatta and one in Mount Druitt.
Our specialist sexual health team offers testing, support and treatment/management of sexually transmissible infections (STIs) and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) for:
- people living with HIV/AIDS
- gay and other men who have sex with men
- trans and gender diverse people
- sex workers
- people who inject drugs
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people
- people with STI-related symptoms
- people who had sexual contact with someone with HIV or STI.
If this sounds like you, you've come to the right place. If you're not included in any of the above groups, we may refer you to a General Practitioner (GP)
or to another service.
For other HIV and STI testing options or questions about HIV, sexually transmitted infections (STI) and sexual health:
Call NSW Sexual Health Infolink on 1800 451 624 or visit Sexual Health Infolink
You can get HIV and STI testing from a general practitioner (GP).
Find a GP near you.
GPs also provide Cervical Screening Test (previously known as pap smears), contraception, PrEP & other services related to sexual health.
Parramatta Clinic
Jeffery House
Level 1, 162 Marsden Street
Parramatta NSW 2150
02 9843 3124
Opening hours
Monday 9am – 5pm
Tuesday 9am – 5pm
Wednesday 1pm - 5pm
Thursday 4pm - 7:30pm
Friday 9am - 4pm
Mt Druitt Clinic
Kelly Close
(back of Community Health building)
Mount Druitt NSW 2770
02 9881 1206
Opening hours
Friday 9am - 4pm
Fax number for both clinics
02 8836 2933
Interpreter services
Call the Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS) on 131 450 for language support
Our services
Our services are free and confidential. No Medicare card is required.
Please call us on (02) 9843 3124 during opening hours if you'd like to make an appointment or have any questions.
If needed, we can arrange a telephone interpreter for you.
We operate on an appointment-based system. Please call us to make an appointment.
If you attend the clinic without an appointment, we may not be able to see you on the day unless it is an urgent matter.
Please note for our Parramatta clinic, the last appointment time on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday is 5pm. The building entrance will be closed after 5pm on those days.
The phone line will be closed from 4pm on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.
If you are having trouble reaching us, please email your name and phone number and the reason for your call to [email protected]
Parramatta Clinic
Provides information, education, treatment & support for STIs, sexual health & HIV/AIDS.
Mount Druitt Clinic
Provides information, education, treatment & support for STIs, sexual health & HIV/AIDS.
Social Work
Our social workers provide support to people with sexual health related issues & concerns.
帕拉马塔 Parramatta 诊所为说普通话的性工作者设立的中文门诊服务。我们会安排电话翻译。该服务是免费并且保密的。
Thursday Late Night Clinic
Open from 4 pm-7.30 pm for people who can't attend during business hours. Parramatta Clinic only.
Needle & Syringe Program Services
Parramatta Clinic provides a limited amount of injecting equipment to Sexual Health clients.