- Healthy lifestyle visual fact sheets
Find information on healthy eating and active living for children and families. Topics include:
- Healthy snacks
- Eat more fruit and vegetables
- Drinking water
- Screen time and getting active
- Munch & Move resources
Find a range of resources available to download. These resources support healthy eating, physical activity and screen time key messages at your service. They include:
- policy guidance
- classroom activities
- menu support
- posters you can share.
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- Live Life Well @ School resources
LLW@S resources help embed the program in your school. Resources include:
- Crunch&Sip® information
- practical ideas for fundamental movement skills
- ideas to keep kids moving
- information to share with families.
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- Family resources
We have practical information for families about healthy living. Topics include:
- healthy eating and drinks
- breastfeeding and starting solids
- lunchboxes
- recipes
- physical activity and screen time and much more!
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- Go4Fun resources
Want to help promote Go4Fun with your family, friends and networks? Find resource order forms, brochures, posters and much more!
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- Secondary school resources
Find resources for a healthy transition to high school ,active travel and healthy living. Also subscribe to the Health Promoting Schools (E) Network.
- OOSH resources
Find the Eat Smart Play Smart manual, nutrition and physical activity recommendations and Healthy OOSH in Western Sydney resources.
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