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Secondary Schools

Find information and resources on:

  • healthy canteens
  • active travel in secondary schools
  • SALSA (Students As LifeStyle Activists) program
  • healthy transition to high school
  • general healthy lifestyle information.

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School canteens
School canteens

The NSW Healthy School Canteen Strategy supports student health and wellbeing. The strategy helps canteens promote and increase the amount of healthy food and drinks on the menu. The Strategy applies to all (primary, secondary and central schools) NSW Government schools with a canteen. Catholic and Independent schools are encouraged to participate.

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Crunch & Sip®

Crunch&Sip® gives kids the chance to refuel on fruit, vegetables and water during a set break in class. It’s a simple way to help them stay hydrated and energised. It improves their focus in class.

We can include vegetables, fruit and water in the daily routine to help kids learn to enjoy healthy food.
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SALSA (Students As LifeStyle Activists) is a secondary school peer-led educational intervention program, WSLHD Primary Health Care Education & Research Unit (PERU) lead the program.

The program provides high school students the knowledge and skills to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Visit the SALSA site

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Professional development

The western Sydney LLW@S team provide professional development for teachers in NSW.   
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Out Of School Hours Care (OOSH) 

Before and after school care is a great place for children to learn healthy behaviours. Our program supports OOSH services to provide healthy foods, increase physical activity and decrease small screen recreation.
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Supported Playgroups

NSW Health have made recommendations and resources for playgroups (including supported playgroups). The resources encourage healthy eating, physical activity, reduced small screen recreation time and oral health.

Playgroups can provide educational and fun healthy eating and active play activities. They can also encourage families to practice healthy eating and active play at home.
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Get Healthy Service

Get Healthy is a FREE telephone health coaching service. It helps provide you with the expertise and motivation you need to reach your health goals.
Visit the Get Healthy website

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Healthy Eating Active Living

We offer healthy eating tips and free programs to get you active and healthy. We can help you find one small change in your day that will help you and your family feel healthier longer.
Visit the Healthy Eating Active Living website


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