
These visual snippets on healthy eating, physical activity, reducing screen time, drinking more water, and healthy lunchboxes can be downloaded and shared with your families through your online platforms or your service newsletter.

Eat more fruit and vegetables

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Choose healthier snacks

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Choose healthier snacks - use these tiles as a set

arabic get active healthy lifestyle factsheet arabic get active healthy lifestyle factsheet arabic get active healthy lifestyle factsheet

Choose water as a drink

arabic get active healthy lifestyle factsheet arabic get active healthy lifestyle factsheet

Get active each day

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Fundamental Movement Skills - use these tiles as a set

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Reduce screen time

arabic get active healthy lifestyle factsheet arabic get active healthy lifestyle factsheet arabic get active healthy lifestyle factsheet arabic get active healthy lifestyle factsheet

Encourage and support breastfeeding

Breastfeeding - use these tiles as a set

arabic get active healthy lifestyle factsheet arabic get active healthy lifestyle factsheet

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