Go4Fun is a FREE 10 week healthy lifestyle program. The program is for NSW 7 - 13 year olds and their families to lead healthier lives. Go4Fun encourages children and their families to become fitter, healthier and happier.

Programs run during the school terms. Our qualified health professionals lead the fun and interactive sessions. 

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What is the Go4Fun program?

Watch the video below to find out more!


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Who can join?

To join Go4Fun, children must be between 7 and 13 years and be above a healthy weight. As Go4Fun is a family program, parents or carers must attend each session with their child.

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Check your child's weight status

It’s not always easy to tell if a child is a healthy weight for their age and height. The easiest way to check is to use the Body Mass Index (BMI) calculator. Enter your child’s age, gender, height and weight into the BMI calculator.

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What happens at Go4Fun?

The weekly 2-hour Go4Fun sessions are fun and interactive. There is something different to learn every week. Our qualified Go4Fun leaders will help your family learn new ways to be fitter, healthier and happier. They will support you to make small changes to your eating and activity habits as a family.

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How do I register?

Registering for Go4Fun is quick and simple. Families can register online, on the phone (1800 780 900) or SMS for a call back (0409 745 645).

Referrals are also accepted from health professionals, organisations, friends and family members.

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Program locations

Go4Fun programs run at various locations across western Sydney including the local areas of:

  • Blacktown
  • Cumberland
  • Hills
  • Parramatta.

We choose our venues to have an element of fun for the kids. they include community centres, leisure centres and swimming pools.

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What parents & kids have to say

More than 1600 kids and their families have taken part in Go4Fun western Sydney. As a result of the program, our children are:

  • moving more
  • more confident
  • eating better
  • getting more involved in team sports.

Find out what kids and parents have to say about Go4Fun.

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Become a Go4Fun leader in western Sydney

Our leaders need to have something special. They need to believe that families can make healthier choices to benefit health in a fun and inspiring environment. Find out if you can be involved.

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Go4Fun resources

Do you want to help us promote Go4Fun with your family, friends and networks? Find brochures, resource order forms and much more!

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Go4Fun for health professionals

Health professionals are trusted by families. They are often the first to discuss the importance of a healthy diet and exercise with parents. We help families take the advice you provide and turn it into healthy habits. All in an environment that’s fun and supportive.

We can provide you:

  • free online assessment tools to identify eligible patients
  • free online training to help health professionals raise and manage the issues.
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Promote the program

Go4Fun has partnered with schools and community groups in western Sydney since 2011. Many of our participants have found out about Go4Fun through the support of our schools and community organisations. You can help by:

  • distributing flyers to families
  • displaying posters and banners
  • including newsletter snippets in your newsletters
  • sharing Go4Fun information with your contacts.

Find out how your school or community group can work with us to make western Sydney families fitter, healthier and happier.

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Work Development Orders

Go4Fun is a Work Development Order (WDO) sponsor. If you are eligible, you can reduce or clear your fine debt by attending the Go4Fun program as part of a WDO.

WDOs are supervised by organisations or health practitioners called WDO sponsors. WDO sponsors have specific approval from the NSW Government to supervise WDOs.  


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Aboriginal Go4Fun

Go4Fun is a free healthy lifestyle program for children aged 7-13 years. Aboriginal facilitators work with qualified health professionals to deliver a program for Aboriginal families. The program is fun, interactive and shapes children's health in a positive way. 

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Go4Fun newsletter

Western Sydney Go4Fun provide a newsletter to our community partners. This includes up-to-date program information and success stories. Subscribe to our newsletter to keep in touch.

Want to find out about our programs?

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