Families with kids aged 7-13 - book now for Go4Fun Online!

The Al-Naeb family from Merrylands is encouraging all families with kids aged 7-13 to join the free Go4Fun Online program. Over 10 weeks, Go4Fun Online gives families tips for healthy eating and keeping fit, from the comfort of their own home.

“It’s amazing. I feel lucky and happy that we were referred to the Go4Fun Online program. Everything that you learn can be used daily,” explained mum, Rana Al-Sammarraie.

“You can do it anytime, anywhere, and you don’t feel nervous. My child and I learnt everything step-by-step and now Yussif (11) feels so much more confident in his lifestyle changes,” said Rana.

With face-to-face Go4Fun programs on hold due to COVID-19 restrictions, the Go4Fun team at Western Sydney Local Health District (WSLHD) are promoting this engaging online format. It includes weekly activity sessions, an online community, email and text message support, and weekly phone coaching with a health professional.

“Every week, our coach, Jessie, would contact us. It was very helpful and flexible, and Jessie was able to work around our commitments as a family and reschedule our chat if we weren’t available. Even though English is a second language for me, this was not an issue,” said Rana.

The Al-Naeb family have already made so many positive changes to their lifestyle. Rana said: “We learnt something new each week and did lots of things as a family. We were all able to work on improving our health in some way.”

“Every weekend, my family and I go to the local park and do some exercise in the outdoor gyms. This is helping us to keep fit, even after our Go4Fun Online program has finished,” added Yussif.

“I also drink lots of water, choose less processed foods, and aim for 10,000 steps each day using my fitness tracker. I also loved being creative and making things out of items I found around the home. I made an indoor basketball hoop out of cardboard boxes!” exclaimed Yussif.

Centre for Population Health deputy director, Christine Newman said research has shown that the whole-family approach to healthy lifestyle changes is highly effective in improving health and wellbeing for the longer term. “It’s great to see families making healthy lifestyle changes together through Go4Fun Online,” she said.

“One of the best things about Go4Fun Online is that the program focussed on health, eating well, and how to build a healthy lifestyle,” explained Rana. “The learnings and goals in Go4Fun Online are not just for the short term, they’re for the long term,” concluded Rana.

The Go4Fun Online program runs each school term. To book or for more information, call Go4Fun on 1800 780 900 or visit go4funonline.com.au

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