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Western Sydney Local Health District

WSLHD Nurse Bank

About Nurse Bank

The Western Sydney Local Health District (WSLHD) Nursing and Midwifery Nurse Bank offers you the opportunity to be able to work in various WSLHD facilities and support your journey as a Registered Nurse or Midwife through permanent employment.

We hope the journey is enriching, exciting, transforming and meets your expectations and development needs, by creating a strong foundation to launch the rest of your career, be it through challenging yourself in a new environment or transitioning into our multiple acute care facilities.

Why the Nurse Bank?

The Nurse Bank is permanent employment (full or part-time) across Westmead Hospital, Blacktown and Mount Druitt hospitals or Auburn Hospital.

The Nurse Manager of the Nurse Bank will allocate nurses or midwives across each of these facilities to backfill temporary vacancies, for example maternity relief. This model differs from a casual pool model.

Nurses and Midwives will have the opportunity to engage with the unit based teams, receive support from N/MUMs and their education teams while strengthening skills in new areas.

How does WSLHD support the Nurse Bank?

The Nurse Bank is supported by our senior clinical multidisciplinary staff, unit based clinical nurse educators, a supportive network of nurse educators including a clinical nurse educator working across all facilities within WSLHD with a focus on the Nurse Bank.

Nurse Bank includes:

  • corporate and workplace orientation
  • paid educational support days
  • a wide range of specialties to support career development and future specialisation.


Please check the I Work for NSW website for regular updates.


If you have any enquiries about our programs, please do not hesitate to contact us by phone (02) 8890 3873, or email [email protected]