Women's Health at Work (WHAW) Program

Our programs & campaigns

Women's Health at Work Media Campaign 2013

Click on the languages below to download the scripts from our 2013 media campaign.

NSW Ombudsman information for CALD working women

Arabic, Chinese - Simplified, Dari, English, Hindi, Krio, Kurdish


Arabic, Chinese - Simplified, Dari, English, Hindi, Krio, Kurdish


Arabic, Chinese - Simplified, Dari, English, Hindi, Krio, Kurdish

The Lunchbox

Arabic, Chinese - Simplified, Dari, English, Hindi, Krio, Kurdish

Family Planning NSW and Women’s Health at Work

Arabic, Chinese - Simplified, Dari, English, Hindi, Krio, Kurdish

Chinese Women Working in Market Gardens Across the Sydney Basin

Key achievements of this project include:

  • sixteen government and non-government agencies working together to improve outcomes from CALD communities employed in horticultural enterprises in the Sydney Basin
  • a community leadership program for women developed
  • 'Safety and first aid on the farm' included in 'safe pesticide use' training program
  • a playgroup for new parents and young children established
  • a Chinese community language school managed by the community established

Women from CALD Backgrounds working in Market Gardens Across Sydney Project Report

Reducing Musculoskeletal Injuries Incurred by Women Working in Market Gardens - a pilot research project conducted with women of Chinese background in the Sydney Basin

This project used an action research approach to examine the experiences of 22 Cantonese-speaking women working in market gardens in the Sydney Basin. A bi-lingual community worker (BCW) and an interpreter assisted the researchers to identify and communicate with participants. A set of strategies that aimed to reduce the women’s occupational injuries and pain were developed. The women were divided into geographically defined groups that varied in age and the number of years they had worked as market gardeners. Each group implemented specific strategies over a ten-week period. Interviews, group sessions, questionnaires, farm visits and observation were used to assess the efficacy of each strategy.

Reducing Musculoskeletal Injuries Incurred by Women Working in Market Gardens

Employed Women from African Communities (2005-2009)

This two-part research project has been developed in partnership with the NSW Education Program on Female Genital Mutilation.

The first part of the project includes a literature review, community profiles, community focus groups and interviews with community members, key community agencies and employers.

For further information contact Denise Maguire, Management & Project Support Officer

Email Icon[email protected]

Employed Women from African Communities Report

Women of CALD backgrounds living with intellectual and/or physical disabilities working in business enterprises across NSW (2003-2003)

This training project was designed to build awareness and respect for cultural diversity and an understanding of employees' rights in the workplace. The project was contracted to the Multicultural Disability Advocacy Association (MDAA). The researchers conducted interviews with employers, employees and staff groups, which informed the development of a training resource for use in workplaces that employ CALD women with a disability.

Changing the mindset: women from a NESB with disability in Business Services Project Report

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