Transport and Parking

Westmead Hospital

Concessional parking at Westmead Hospital


Secure Parking manages car parking operations and the car parking concessions process at Westmead Hospital.

Concessional rates for car parking fees are set annually, effective from 1 July each year. They are subject to annual review to reflect increases in the consumer price index (CPI). These rates are consistent across Western Sydney Local Health District and other health facilities across the state.


How to apply for concessions

The process for applying for parking concessions is:

  1. The patient/carer should complete the application form.
  2. The form must be approved & signed off by a nursing unit manager/department head/social worker.
  3. The patient/carer should then deliver the form to the Secure Parking office (not the Security Department)
  4. The Secure Parking officer will then process the form, either validating the existing parking ticket or replacing it.

NB: This process only applies to wards/clinics who don’t have a localised process for managing concessions (i.e. Crown Princess Mary Cancer Centre).


Who is eligible for concessions?

NSW Health recognises the burden that regular or long term hospitalisation and/or treatment places on patients and their carers. Those eligible for concessional car parking include:

  • patients and their *carers who require treatment over a period of time
  • patients and their *carers who are attending more than twice weekly, including carers of long term patients who visit frequently

Other persons continuing to be eligible for concessional car parking include:

  • holders of an RMS issued Mobility Parking Scheme permit
  • holders of a Pensioner Concession Card
  • holders of a Gold Veterans Affairs Card
  • holders of a Health Care Card
  • ongoing cancer treatment patients
  • patients and their carers who are required to attend the hospital/facility for a course of treatment over a period of time greater than one week
  • patients and their carers attending more frequently than twice weekly, including carers of long term patients who visit frequently
  • cardiac rehabilitation education and exercise class attendees
  • daily dressing outpatients
  • Health Promotion education class attendees.

Patients and carers who are experiencing financial hardship, but do not meet the listed eligibility categories, are also entitled to concessional car parking.

NB: A carer is defined as a person who provides ongoing, unpaid support to a family member, neighbour or friend who needs help because of disability, terminal illness, chronic illness, mental illness and/or ageing. Anyone can become a carer, any time. A person is not a carer if they care for a person as a paid employee, a volunteer or as part of education or training.

Concession rates

The current concessional car parking rates that are effective from 1 February 2024.

Duration Concession rate Description
0 to 3 hours
3+ hours
$6.80 Single visit ticket that is valid for one entry and one exit only within a 24 hour period 
3 day ticket
$13.50 Frequent use ticket that allows multiple entries and exits to the hospital campus in a 3 day period 
7 day ticket  $27.10 Frequent use ticket that allows multiple entries and exits to the hospital campus in a 7 day period  

For more information

For information on the changes, contact Secure Parking at Westmead on 8890 3793.