Mandarin speaking birth and parenting education classes
Find out more about Mandarin speaking birth and parenting education classes
Introduction for Health Information Fact Sheets
To support your conversations with your doctor, midwife or nurse we have health information fact sheets in the most commonly used languages at Westmead Hospital. These fact sheets have been formally translated and reviewed to ensure they make sense in your language. As part of our commitment to the people of WSLHD we will continue to develop translated health information fact sheets to support your health care with us.
When you come to hospital we have translated health information to assist you with the hospital routines and care. On admission please ask the staff to provide you with translated health information related to your needs.
If we do not have the information you need N.S.W. Health provides translated health information on a wide range of health matters. To view these resources see N.S.W. Health Multicultural Resources
Having a baby in Australia?
This audio file details routine information about the birthing process as well as the practices, procedures and care options for Childbirth in Australia in Mandarin
This audio information is for guidance only and does not replace consultation and advice by your health care provider.
Having a baby in Australia?
This audio file details routine information about the birthing process as well as the practices, procedures and care options for Childbirth in Australia in Cantonese
Please note the introduction is in English
This audio information is for guidance only and does not replace consultation and advice by your health care provider.