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Healthy lifestyle behaviours 

Over half of NSW adults are overweight or obese, leading to higher rates of diseases like:
• Type 2 diabetes
• Heart disease
• Stroke
• High blood pressure
• Sleep apnoea
• Gall bladder disease
• Polycystic ovary syndrome
• Gout
• Some cancers.

Parents and caregivers play a very important role in not only making healthy choices for children, but teaching and role modelling healthy behaviours. The Get Healthy Service (GHS) is a free government funded healthy lifestyle telephone based coaching service. 


Get healthy Service

GHS is available to anyone over 16 years including pregnant women.

 The service provides:
• 10 free coaching calls over a 6 month period offering expert advice from a Dietician or Exercise Physiologist aimed at supporting you to achieve your personal lifestyle goals.

• Additional 3 phone calls for Aboriginal people and those at high risk of type 2 diabetes. See the tailored programs on offer.

• Pregnant women will receive 8 antenatal and 2 postnatal calls. (this service will be beginning very soon)

You will speak with health coaches who are all university qualified health professionals. They include allied health professionals such as psychologists; nurses; dieticians; exercise physiologists; sports scientists; social workers; and physiotherapists. All health coaches receive further training to ensure they meet the requirements of the Service.

You may need to get medical clearance from a Doctor before beginning your Get Healthy journey.
Interpreter Services will be provided for Culturally and Linguistically Diverse communities. Other relevant telephonic services will be provided if you are deaf or hearing impaired or speech impaired.

After your first call your Get Healthy coach will then make any further calls at a time that is convenient for you.
We aim to provide you with your own personal health coach for the length of your program, this helps ensure that a supportive relationship is developed. It is important to note that all information regarding a caller will remain strictly private and confidential.

If you would like to help a family member or friend you can request an Information Booklet or a Service Brochure to give them.

Service operates Monday to Friday 8am to 8pm

On average program participants lose -3.8kg and -5.1cm from their waist
Your health professional can refer you by completing the Get Healthy Service referral form

Then simply fax or email to Get Healthy Service and they will call you.

Email: [email protected]

Fax: 1300 013 242

You can also refer yourself to this service by simply calling 1300 806 258
 Get Healthy Service is run by Healthways Australia

Fact sheets

It is never too late to make a small change to be healthier, simply adding a lunch time walk or reducing your portion sizes can make a big difference