Westmead Hospital offers three different breastfeeding courses:
- Positive Breastfeeding Workshop 3 hours Small Group
- Breastfeeding Information Session - 2 hours Large Group
- Breastfeeding Education for Pregnant Women with Diabetes FREE
Each of the courses are explained in detail below.
Positive Breastfeeding Workshop
The comprehensive Positive Breastfeeding Workshop runs for three hours. You can attend the workshop either face-to-face or online. The workshop is held on a Friday from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm or a Saturday from 9.00 am to 12:00 pm. It is ideal for:
This program is interactive and more comprehensive than our two-hour breastfeeding information session. A maximum of ten couples attend our Positive Breastfeeding Workshop to ensure you have plenty of opportunities to interact and ask questions.
Topics include
- Understanding how breastfeeding works
- Positions for breastfeeding
- Signs of successful breastfeeding
- Normal behaviours for breastfed babies
- Identifying possible breastfeeding problems and what to do
- Where to get help
- Partner’s role - a key to successful breastfeeding
- Diet, medications and alcohol with breastfeeding
- Feeling confident
- Free if you have booked a Saturday or Sunday Positive Birth and Parenting Workshop
- $35.00 for women birthing at Westmead Public Hospital
- $55.00 for women birthing somewhere else
Bookings Essential: 1 ticket per couple
For class dates and bookings please see our Humanitix page
Book positive Breastfeeding workshop
For further information email [email protected]
Breastfeeding Information Session (FREE) - 2 hours Large Group (face to face and Online options are also available)
Our breastfeeding information session is open to a larger audience of up to 40 people. This information session will be presented face to face in the education block at Westmead Hospital.This program is only available for women giving birth at Westmead Hospital.
Held twice a month, on either a Tuesday or Thursday from 10:00 am – 12 noon. You may be about to become a mother for the first time or you may have had previous difficulties breastfeeding. The breastfeeding information sessions aim to answer all of your questions and explain any myths that you may have heard regarding breastfeeding your baby.
- Why breastfeeding is important and the risks of not breastfeeding
- How your breasts make milk- supply and demand
- Skin to skin contact and the first feed
- Feeding cues and when to feed baby
- Positioning and attachment of baby at the breast
- Rooming in- staying close to baby
- Normal newborn behaviour
- Signs baby is feeding well
- Normal weight changes for baby and breast changes for mum
- Community supports
- Returning to work- expressing breast milk
- Impact of dummies and bottle feeding on breastfeeding
- Common breastfeeding problems
- Contraception
Bookings Essential: Cost: FREE - 1 ticket per person
For class dates and bookings please see our Humanitix page
book Breastfeeding information session
For further information email [email protected]
Breastfeeding Education for Pregnant Women with Diabetes FREE
This class is for pregnant women who have gestational diabetes or diabetes prior to pregnancy.
These sessions run weekly on Thursdays for one and a half hours from 12:00 pm to 1:30 pm. This education session is conducted face to face and online options are also available. This program is only available for women giving birth at Westmead Hospital.
This breastfeeding workshop gives you the correct information and support for breastfeeding your baby when you have diabetes, and is facilitated by a member of the lactation team. It will provide additional information not covered in other programs.
Gestational Diabetes (GDM) - what everyone should know video
- The importance of breastfeeding with diabetes
- Gaining confidence with hand expressing and breastfeeding
- How to store Colostrum prior to baby's birth
- The importance of skin to skin immediately after birth
- Feeding frequently and effectively
- Managing low blood sugar levels in baby and avoiding separation
- What happens if my baby needs to go to the Special Care Nursery
- Breastfeeding resources
Bookings Essential:
For class dates and bookings please see our Humanitix page
book breastfeeding education for pregnant women with diabetes
or email [email protected]
Breastfeeding education for Mandarin-speaking pregnant women with diabetes (online class)
The Breastfeeding education for Mandarin-speaking pregnant women with diabetes sessions run online, often on a Thursday, for one and a half hours from 2:00 to 3:30 pm. This program is only available for women giving birth at Westmead, Blacktown and Auburn Hospitals.
专为讲普通话的糖尿病孕妇开设的母乳喂养线上教育课程,开课时间通常为周四下午2:00至3:30,时长一个半小时。该课程仅适用于在韦斯米/黑镇(Westmead/Blacktown)及奥本(Auburn) 医院分娩的孕妈。
This breastfeeding workshop is designed to give you the correct information about diabetes, gestational diabetes and breastfeeding your baby. A member of the lactation team is the facilitator. This program will provide additional information not provided in other breastfeeding programs.
It is recommended that you also book our Positive Breastfeeding class.
For more information, don't hesitate to contact your educator or the coordinators via [email protected] for any questions or queries.
如需更多信息或有任何问题,请联系您的教育员或协调员,发邮件至[email protected]进行咨询。
- The importance of breastfeeding with diabetes 糖尿病母亲进行母乳喂养的重要性
- Gaining confidence with hand-expressing 提高手动挤奶的信心
- How to store Colostrum before baby's birth 如何在婴儿出生前储存初乳
- The importance of skin-to-skin immediately after birth 出生后立即进行肌肤接触的重要性
- Breastfeeding frequently and effectively 频繁且有效的母乳喂养
- Managing low blood sugar levels in baby and avoiding separation 应对婴儿低血糖水平并避免分离
- What happens if my baby needs to go to the Special Care Nursery 如果婴儿需要去特殊护理病房该怎么办
- Breastfeeding resources 母乳喂养相关信息资料
Bookings are essential 本课程须预约
Cost: FREE - One ticket per couple 费用:免费 — 每对夫妻一张票
Book breastfeeding education for Mandarin speaking pregnant women workshop 2025