The Menu

Picture of menu

The Social and Health Atlas menu is organised by topic and can be accessed by navigating through the menu. Clicking on menu items will display the page or expand the menu (indicated by the ">" symbol) to display additional sub topics. Clicking on an open topic will close it again, shortening the menu.

Many pages have downloadable content in Excel format. The "Download" button is at the bottom corner of the menu, download availability is indicated by the download button having darkened text.

The search button at the top of the menu will close the menu and display the search tool.

The "Tidy menu" button will reset the menu so it only shows the location of the currently displayed page.


Picture of search

The Social and Health Atlas search allows you to locate pages by typing in a topic. The search displays matches as you type, sorted by matching significance. An unmatched search will return no items. Clicking on a found item will display the page.

If downloadable content is available the "Download" button at the bottom corner of the menu will have darkened text.

Clicking the menu button at the top of the search area will close the search and display the menu.

Charts and tables

Example chart

Many of the pages in the Atlas have additional tables and charts available using the pull-down list controls at the top right of the page. Pull-down list controls above tables and charts also exist for selection of other categories like gender, need for assistance or geographical area.

Trend charts have toggle buttons below the charts to show or hide the trend lines allowing comparison between areas.

There are vertical and horizontal scroll bars that allow additional information to be viewed that would otherwise not fit on the page. For example, you will need to use the scroll bar on the right of this page to view the rest of the tips. Many tables in the Atlas have scroll bars which you will need to use to view all the data.

At the bottom of many pages there are buttons that link to Abbreviations, Glossary, Cautions and References.

Read me

Picture of menu read me section

The Read me section contains essential information required to understand the data presented. Sections include:
Glossary which explains statistical and other concepts
Cautions which detail the limits of the data
Disease codes which detail the ICD codes used to define each of the diseases reported
Example table and Example chart which explain terms used.


Example map

The Social and Health Atlas contains maps of common administrative and ABS Census boundaries such as Suburbs, Postal Areas, Local Government Areas, Statistical Areas 2 (SA2), Statistical Areas 3 (SA3) and Indigenous Locations for WSLHD.

The Atlas also contains many thematic maps of Census data including population density, dwelling density, English language proficiency, etc.

Maps can be downloaded in PDF format, they can also be copy/pasted into your documents dependent on the browser used. Hovering your mouse over a map will zoom to view details more easily.