Tobacco and e-cigarette retailing laws in NSW are in the Public Health (Tobacco) Act 2008 and the Public Health (Tobacco) Regulation 2022. Tobacco and electronic cigarette (e-cigarette) retailing laws in NSW regulate the advertising and display of tobacco products, e-cigarette and e-cigarette accessories, and non-tobacco smoking products, and ban the supply of these products to children. These laws aim to reduce the uptake of smoking, particularly by young people. Tobacco retailers must register with Service NSW before they can legally sell tobacco products. Apply to be a tobacco/e-cigarette retailer - Service NSW Public Health Units regularly conduct Sales to Minors compliance tests of tobacco retailers. There are substantial penalties if a salesperson or retailer is found to sell a tobacco, a non-tobacco product or e-cigarette to a person under the age of 18 years. If you think a Tobacco or E-cigarette Law has been broken, you can record your complaint at Report a complaint - Tobacco and smoking ( Resources Tobacco retailers checklist ( Tobacco Retailers - Training ( Sales to minors retailer factsheet ( Retailer e-cigarette laws factsheet Useful links Tobacco and smoking (
Contact Public Health Unit, Western Sydney Local Health District Phone: (02) 9840 3603 Fax: (02) 9840 3608/(02) 9840 3591 (secure line) E: [email protected]