Other tobacco products such as e-cigarettes and waterpipe smoking (also known as shisha) are just as, or even more harmful than cigarette smoking. 

This is because the nicotine (and other harmful chemicals and toxins) in these products is often unregulated and/or does not meet Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) standards. 

E-cigarettes (Vapes)

E-cigarettes, also known as ‘vapes’, are becoming more popular and rates of vaping among school-aged children and young people are the highest in NSW.   

Vapes are electronic devices that heat up an e-liquid which is vapourised and inhaled. 

E-liquids have been found to contain harmful chemicals and often unregulated levels of nicotine (the addictive, harmful chemical found in all tobacco products). 

Vaping has been known to cause:

  • Coughs and throat irritation
  • Lung injury and disease 
  • Anxiety, mood swings and stress from nicotine withdrawal
  • Addiction to nicotine 
More information:

Respect Your Brain video (NSW Health)

WSLHD vaping prevention videos
WSLHD’s Centre for Population Health, Corporate Communications and Prevention and Education Research Unit supported local high school students to develop their own vape-prevention messages, shared to their peers and the community, about the harms of vaping.





Waterpipe smoking (Shisha)

Waterpipe smoking, also known as shisha, nargileh, argileh or hookah, are smoking devices that usually uses coal to burn up a mixture of tobacco, molasses, and artificial fruit flavours (this is the shisha tobacco). 

Smoke is drawn through the device into the bowl where it is mixed with water, and then vapourised and inhaled through a hose connected to the bowl.

Shisha as a practice is embedded in cultural and social practices of many different groups. It is often practiced in homes across generations and is commercially available in NSW. 

Like other tobacco products, shisha smoke is harmful to health, as it contains nicotine, carbon monoxide and other toxins. 

It is a misconception that the water removes any harmful toxins or that fruity flavours are “healthier”. 

More information:

Shisha No Thanks 
Water pipe smoking and your health (NSW Health) 

Shisha No Thanks Campaign

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