People born overseas are less likely to be smokers; but there are variations to this in individuals from specific cultural or language groups. We work with community partners and organisations to support CALD groups in smoking and vaping prevention and cessation. Local support organisations Western Sydney organisations that work with diverse communities include: Multicultural Health – information, community support and collaborations with other services. STARTTS – counselling, support and advice for people who have experienced torture or trauma. WentWest Primary Health Network – delivering support and education to primary care health professionals. Resources Tobacco multilingual fact sheets (NSW Health) Languages available include Arabic, Simplified and Traditional Chinese, Vietnamese, Greek, Italian and Korean. Vaping resources (NSW Health) Languages available include Arabic, Bangla, Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), Dari, Hindi, Spanish, Swahili, Ukranian. Shisha No Thanks resources Languages available include Arabic, Dari, Chinese, Turkish, Tamil and Farsi. Dangers of third hand smoke recources Languages include Arabic, Dari and Tamil. E-cigarettes and getting help resources Languages include Arabic, Dari and Tamil. Fines for littering resources Languages include Arabic, Dari and Tamil. Positive experience once you quit resources Languages include Arabic, Dari and Tamil. Second hand smoke can cause lung cancer resources Languages include Arabic, Dari and Tamil. Smoke-free laws (indoors) resources Languages include Arabic, Dari and Tamil. Smoke-free laws (outdoors) resources Languages include Arabic, Dari and Tamil. Your body's response when you quit resources Languages include Arabic, Dari and Tamil. More information For smoking or vaping translated resources, please contact WSLHD Centre for Population Health on (02) 9840 3603 or [email protected]