Our Public Health Unit works with local doctors to ensure that people who are exposed to rabies or lyssavirus are protected from infection. If you had a bite or scratch from a bat in Australia, or a bat or terrestrial (living on land) animal overseas, you should be assessed by a doctor as soon as possible. This is to organise post-exposure treatment – especially rabies vaccine – through the Public Health Unit. You should do this even if you have seen a doctor or started treatment overseas.

For advice on post-exposure treatment and to order free vaccine or immunoglobulin contact the Public Health Unit.


More information

Rabies and Australian bat lyssavirus fact sheet (NSW Health)



For residents of Western Sydney Local Health District only:
Public Health Unit (Western Sydney Local Health District)
Phone (02) 9840 3603

After hours: Phone (02) 8890 5555 (Westmead Hospital) - ask for Public Health Officer on call.

Other NSW residents:
Contact your local Public Health Unit on 1300 066 055.

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