Outpatient services - hand therapy service
What is hand therapy?
Hand therapy involves rehabilitation of the upper limb-elbow to hand. It includes individual evaluation and testing to assess the injured limb from which a specific treatment program can be designed. A variety of specialised treatment techniques are used to achieve these goals.
What is a hand therapist?
Registered physiotherapists and occupational therapists who, through further education, clinical experience and independent study have become proficient in the treatment of upper limb conditions resulting from injury, disease or deformity.
Hand therapy services
The hand therapy team at Westmead Hospital provides outpatient and inpatient services to a wide variety of hand and upper limb conditions including post-operative orthopaedic and plastic surgery, fracture management, tendonitis and osteoarthritis.
Hours of service
The outpatient & inpatient hand therapy service operates Monday to Friday from 8.30am to 4.30pm.
All patients require a medical referral for treatment. Referrals may be delivered directly or posted or faxed to:
Therapy Reception, E block Level 1, Westmead Hospital
Fax: (02) 8890 7102
Referrals are triaged according to severity of the presenting condition.
Patients must be over 15 years of age.
Patients without a Medicare card will be charged a fee in excess of $110.00 per visit. The fee must be paid before treatment can commence.