Participants wanted for world-first study into cannabis relapse

21 Mar 2017

Do you want help with your cannabis use?

Find it difficult to reduce or give up?

Is your sleep messed up without cannabis?

Get irritated easily when you try to give up?

Participants wanted for world-first study into cannabis relapse 2 650x450

Join our confidential study into a world first clinical trial examining the role of a new medication (Sativex) for people trying to stop or reduce their cannabis use. 

The study is an outpatient trial in the community, conducted at four clinical sites in NSW including Western Sydney Drug Health. Enrolling in the trial commits you to 24 weeks of study engagement, although the main medication test phase is during the first 13 weeks with a research follow-up interview 12 weeks later. You will be allocated to either an active treatment (Sativex) or control (placebo) but you will not know which you are allocated to. 

The study is entirely free.

  • You need to be at least 18 years of age
  • Be a regular cannabis user
  • Have a desire to reduce or quit your cannabis use
  • Have found it difficult to reduce your cannabis use or quit in the past because of the discomfort of withdrawal symptoms from stopping cannabis

We will provide information, support, and referrals to assist you with achieving abstinence.

If you would like to know more, please call Mary Luksza on 0407 273 419 or the Centre of Addiction Medicine Intake number: 8860 2565.