Child Protection contacts
Child Protection Helpline (FACS, Community Services)
132 111
The Child Protection Helpline is a 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, state-wide call centre staffed by professionally qualified caseworkers to receive and screen all reports. Reporting your concerns about a child or young person's safety or wellbeing is an important step in preventing or stopping the abuse and protecting children or young people from further harm.
Child Wellbeing Unit
1300 480 420
NSW Health Child Wellbeing Units (CWUs) are staffed by child protection professionals who provide telephone advice and support to Health workers, including assisting staff to determine the suspected level of risk of harm (including help with using the Mandatory Reporter Guide) and escalating high risk matters to the FaCS Child Protection Helpline.
For more information, visit the NSW Health website.
Child Wellbeing Coordinators
These positions provide support, advice and education to health staff to help them determine their responsibilities in recognising and responding to child safety, welfare and wellbeing concerns. The role also acts as a link between the LHD and the Child Wellbeing Unit to provide local service information and pathways into health services.
Central Coast Local Health District: (02) 4352 4117
Far West Local Health District: (02) 8080 1291
Hunter New England Local Health District: (02) 4924 6372 or (02) 4352 4117
Illawarra Shoalhaven Local Health District: (02) 4224 2900
Mid North Coast Local Health District: (02) 6568 0307
Murrumbidgee Local Health District: (02) 5943 2420
Nepean Blue Mountains Local Health District: (02) 4734 2512
Northern NSW Local Health District: (02) 6603 0900
Northern Sydney Local Health District: (02) 9462 9266
South Eastern Sydney Local Health District: (02) 9382 8698
South Western Sydney Local Health District: (02) 9780 2803
Southern NSW Local Health District: (02) 6150 7577
Sydney Local Health District: (02) 9378 1333
Western NSW Local Health District: (02) 6809 8681
Western Sydney Local Health District: (02) 9881 8787
Family Referral Services (FRS)
FRS are intended to assist children, young people, and families who do not meet the statutory threshold for child protection intervention, but would benefit from accessing specific services to address current problems, prevent escalation, and foster a protective and nurturing environment. FRS are intended to link vulnerable children, young people in need of assistance, and their families, with the most appropriate available support services in their local areas.
Mount Druitt Family Referral Service: 1300 403 373
To find other Family Referrals Services, visit the Family Referral Service website.