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Clinical therapies

Clinical therapies are techniques that are aimed at treating or curing a health issue. These issues can be physical or mental. Our clinical therapies are listed below.  

Dialectical Behaviour Therapy

Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) is designed to help people change unhelpful ways of thinking and behaving, while also accepting who they are. It helps people learn to manage emotions by recognising, experiencing, and accepting them. 

DBT can also help people to understand why they might harm themselves, so they are more likely to change their harmful behaviour.

DBT is usually used to help people diagnosed with borderline personality disorder as people with this disorder feel uncontrollable emotions, have troubled relationships, and have a disturbed sense of self.

Clinical therapies - dialectical behavior therapy
Clinical therapies - perinatal support


Perinatal support

We provide perinatal infant mental health assessments and support for mothers and primary caregivers with severe mental illness.

Our aim is to support the infant-mother relationship, maternal mental illness, and infant development. Support is provided via the phone, home visits, or visits to Redbank House.


Consultation liaison

The consultation liaison team responds to requests from medical teams within Westmead Hospital for the assessment and psychological intervention of inpatients with chronic or acute psychological or behavioural conditions including:

  • difficulty adjusting to physical illness or injury
  • anxiety after heart related events or treatment 
  • experiencing fears, for example a fear of falling
  • motivational and non-compliance issues, for example not eating, not engaging in rehabilitation, or not following medical advice
  • experiencing phantom limb pain and difficulty adjusting to amputations
Clinical therapies - consultation liaison
Clinical therapies - psychology


Psychologists are experts in human behaviour. They have studied how the mind works and how people think, react, and behave.
They can help people with a broad range of issues such as: 

  • fears
  • phobias and anxiety problems
  • stress and chronic pain
  • depression
  • compulsive and addictive behaviour

Psychologists are specialists at helping people develop healthy ways of coping with the symptoms of their mental health disorders.

Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT)

Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is a relatively safe and effective treatment for certain mental health conditions that are considered life threatening, such as severe depression and bipolar disorder. 

ECT involves passing small, brief, carefully controlled electric currents through the brain in order to trigger a brief seizure. The person being treated doesn’t feel discomfort and usually wakes up five to 10 minutes after the procedure.

ECT is a useful therapy because it works more quickly than other treatments such as medicines or therapy. 

Clinical therapies - ET
Clinical therapies - forensic

Forensic support

‘Forensic’ means related to, or associated with, legal issues. 
Forensic mental health services provide assessment and treatment of people with a mental disorder and a history of criminal offending, or people who are at risk of offending.
People who may be experiencing mental illness or mental disorder can be referred for assessment by: 

  • police 
  • courts
  • prison
  • health or mental health services
  • justice agencies


Culturally specific therapies: Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander peoples

The Western Sydney Local Health District Aboriginal Mental Health Support Team (AMHST) provide a culturally safe and appropriate mental health, social and emotional wellbeing support service to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in the Western Sydney community. 

The AMHST team also provides support and consultation to non-Aboriginal community mental health clinicians on working with Aboriginal patients to provide high quality care.

Clinical therapies - ATSI