Pregnancy and breastfeeding
Healthy lunchboxes and snacks
- Choose Water as a Drink Fact Sheet
- Learn how much water children should drink everyday, practical tips to encourage children to drink more water and how much sugar is in some different drinks.
- Healthy Lunchbox website
- Find a range of healthy lunchbox tips and recipes as well as a practical lunchbox builder activity.
Healthy eating and drinking
- Choose Water as a Drink Fact Sheet
- Learn how much water children should drink everyday, practical tips to encourage children to drink more water and how much sugar is in some different drinks.
- Milk Fact Sheet
- Learn what types of milk are recommended for children of different ages and share this information with families.
Healthy recipes
- Healthy Recipes
- Find a collection of simple, family friendly, healthy recipes to cook with your family.
Fussy eating
Healthy Mouths - Oral Health Resources
Physical activity and reducing screen time
- Tips to get active
- Learn practical ways to encourage your family to have an active lifestyle.
Walking in Western Sydney
Find tips to increase walking in your day, heart foundation walking information and local council walking paths, sports grounds and parks and gardens information
Heat and your health
- Plan for the heat
- Tips to help you prepare your home and family before a heat wave comes
A healthy transition to high school
Translated healthy lifestyle resources
Fact sheets for Aboriginal families
- Active Kids are Healthy Kids
- Get kids moving every day! Learn about how much activity and screen time kids should have and tips to help kids keep moving.
- Healthy Food Grows Strong Kids
- Eating healthy foods will help kids grow strong, healthy, and happy. Find ideas for healthy food, snacks, and breakfasts.
- Packing a Healthy Lunchbox
- Packing a healthy lunchbox helps children grow, play, and learn. Explore simple and nutritious lunchbox ideas to support their health.
Family and Carers bite sized videos
Other healthy lifestyle information
Healthy Eating Active Living website
Find healthy eating and active living tips and programs. We can help you find one small change in your day that will help you (and your family) be healthier.
Go4Fun program
Go4Fun is a FREE 10-week healthy lifestyle program to help NSW 7-13 year olds lead healthier lives. Programs run during the school terms. Our qualified health professionals lead the fun and interactive sessions. Go4Fun encourages children and their families to become fitter, healthier and happier.
Get Healthy Service
Get Healthy is a free telephone health coaching service. It helps provide you the expertise and motivation you need to reach your health goals.
M&M Visual Snippets for Families
Check out our new visual snippets on healthy eating, physical activity, reducing screen time, drinking more water, healthy lunchboxes and more. You can download and share with your families through your online platforms or your service newsletter.
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