Pregnancy and breastfeeding

Local pregnancy information for families
Local pregnancy information for families
Links to information and support for pregnant women.
Women and newborn
Women and Newborn Health: Pregnancy
Find helpful pregnancy advice and support for western Sydney mums
Breastfeeding your Baby
A NSW Health booklet with helpful breastfeeding information
Encourage and support breastfeeding
Encourage and Support Breastfeeding Fact Sheet
Information on breastfeeding benefits, tips and supports for mothers
Healthy habits resources
Healthy habits resources
Learn about feeding habits to support healthy growth and development.

Storing breastmilk safely

Storing breastmilk safely
Learn tips on how to store breastmilk safely.


We are a Breastfeeding Friendly Service

We are a breastfeeding friendly service
Use this poster to inform families that your centre is a breastfeeding friendly service.

Introduction to solids

Starting Family Foods brochure
Starting Family Foods brochure
Find practical advice on how to introduce your baby to solid foods.
Teach your baby to drink from a cup brochure thumbnail
Teach your baby to drink from a cup brochure
Learn how to teach your baby to drink from a cup.
Tooth Smart - Stopping the Bottle (Baby)
Tooth Smart - Stopping the Bottle (Baby)
A poster that suggest tips to stop children using a bottle.

Healthy lunchboxes and snacks

healthy lunchbox poster thumbnail
Healthy lunchbox foods factsheet
Find out how to pack a healthy lunchbox with food ideas from the 5 food groups.
Smart snack swaps poster
Smart snack swaps factsheet
Discover some quick and simple healthy snack swaps for the lunchbox.
choose water
Choose Water as a Drink Fact Sheet
Learn how much water children should drink everyday, practical tips to encourage children to drink more water and how much sugar is in some different drinks.
choose healthy
Choose Healthy Snacks Fact Sheet
Find ideas for healthy snack foods, tips for planning healthy snacks and what foods to avoid eating everyday.
eat more fruit veg
Eat More Fruit and Vegetables Fact Sheet
Learn how much fruit and vegetables we should be eating everyday and practical tips on how to eat more.
healthy lunchboxes
Healthy lunchboxes and snacks information
Use this fact sheet to find snack ideas for lunchboxes and some more tips to help you pack a healthy lunchbox.
Australian Guide To Healthy Eating
Australian Guide To Healthy Eating
Use this plate model to show the recommended amounts of food we should eat from each of the 5 food groups.
healthy lunchbox website
Healthy Lunchbox website
Find a range of healthy lunchbox tips and recipes as well as a practical lunchbox builder activity.

Healthy eating and drinking

Australian Guide to Healthy Eating (including serve sizes)
Learn how much of the five food groups we should be eating, and what makes up a serve, available in 11 languages
choose water
Choose Water as a Drink Fact Sheet
Learn how much water children should drink everyday, practical tips to encourage children to drink more water and how much sugar is in some different drinks.
eat more fruit veg
Eat More Fruit and Vegetables Fact Sheet
Learn how much fruit and vegetables we should be eating everyday and practical tips on how to eat more.
choose healthy
Choose Healthy Snacks Fact Sheet
Find ideas for healthy snack foods, tips for planning healthy snacks and what foods to avoid eating everyday.
milk rec
Milk Fact Sheet
Learn what types of milk are recommended for children of different ages and share this information with families.
Australian Dietary Guidelines
Australian Dietary Guidelines
Find up to date advice about the amounts and kinds of food your family should to eat for health and wellbeing.
HEAL hkws
Tips for eating healthy
Learn practical ways to encourage your family to eat healthy.

Healthy recipes

make healthy normal recipe
Healthy Recipes
Find a collection of simple, family friendly, healthy recipes to cook with your family.
hk recipes image
Heart Foundation Recipes
Find kid-friendly recipes that are quick to make, healthy and delicious!
Quick and easy recipes
Quick and easy recipes
Links to meal and snack ideas from trustworthy websites.

Fussy eating

dinnertime with isla pdf
Dinnertime with Isla (video) 
Video storybook for children to encourage fuss-free mealtimes (produced by SLHD)
Fuss Free Mealtimes Poster
Find tips on how to create fuss free mealtimes at home (produced by SLHD)
Fuss Free Mealtime Factsheet
Need some more tips on how to create fuss free mealtimes? Produced my SLHD, also available in 5 other languages

Healthy Mouths - Oral Health Resources

Health mouths for kids under 5
Healthy mouths for kids under 5
Oral health tips for parents and carers with children under 5
Healthy mouths for your baby
Healthy mouths for your baby
Top oral health tips for your new baby
Tooth Smart - Stopping the Bottle (Older Child)
Tooth Smart - Stopping the Bottle (Older Child)
A poster that suggests tips to stop children using a bottle.
Check your child's teeth poster
Check your child's teeth poster
Information on how to check your child’s teeth for tooth decay.
How to brush (0 to 5) Video
How to brush (0 to 5) Video
Watch this short video on how to properly brush your child’s teeth.
Protecting Tiny Teeth Video
Protecting Tiny Teeth Video
Watch this video on how to protect your child’s teeth.

Physical activity and reducing screen time

get active
Get Active Each Day Fact Sheet
Learn how much activity your kids should be doing everyday and practical tips to be more active.
Turn off the Screens Fact Sheet
Learn how much time your children should spend in front of screens and how you can manage screen time at home.
24 hour physical activity guidelines
National physical activity and screen time recommendations for children 0-5 years years
Learn the current national physical activity, screen time and sleep recommendations for children 0-5 years.
Physical activity guidelines 5-17 year olds
24-hour movement guidelines – children and young people (5 to 17 years) – fact sheet
Read about how much activity children and young people should do each day, how sitting time and screen time should be limited, and how much sleep they should get.
24-hour movement guidelines – birth to 5 years – fact sheet
24-hour movement guidelines – birth to 5 years – fact sheet
Read about the recommended times for physical activity, screens, and sleep each day for younger children.
HEAL hkws
Tips to get active
Learn practical ways to encourage your family to have an active lifestyle.
active travel flipbook image 243x243
Safe & Healthy Travel to School at any Age
Download our Active Travel flipbook for more information on the benefits of active travel and steps towards active travel independence.
Walking in Western Sydney
Find tips to increase walking in your day, heart foundation walking information and local council walking paths, sports grounds and parks and gardens information

Wellbeing and safety

HEAL hkws
Habits for healthy minds and bodies
Learn practical tips to help with mental health and wellbeing
child safety
Child Safety Handbook
A resource for parents, carers and teachers on topics essential to child safety.

Heat and your health

Plan for the heat
Tips to help you prepare your home and family before a heat wave comes

A healthy transition to high school

high school tipsheet
Tips to Get Ready for High School brochure
Healthy bodies lead to healthy brains, Here are 8 practical tips that may help your child perform better at school.

Translated healthy lifestyle resources

cald infographics
Translated Healthy Lifestyle Resources
Find information on healthy living for children and families available in Arabic, Chinese, Korean, Persian, Hindi and Tamil.

Fact sheets for Aboriginal families

Water - the best drink for healthy kids
Water - the Best Drink for Healthy Kids
Water is the best drink for everyone. Read more for information on healthy drinks for children.
Active kids are healthy kids
Active Kids are Healthy Kids
Get kids moving every day! Learn about how much activity and screen time kids should have and tips to help kids keep moving.
Healthy foods grow strong kids
Healthy Food Grows Strong Kids
Eating healthy foods will help kids grow strong, healthy, and happy. Find ideas for healthy food, snacks, and breakfasts.
Packing a healthy lunchbox
Packing a Healthy Lunchbox
Packing a healthy lunchbox helps children grow, play, and learn. Explore simple and nutritious lunchbox ideas to support their health.

Family and Carers bite sized videos

bite sized videos for families and carers
North Sydney’s Small Bites for Big Steps bite-sized videos for families and carers
On demand videos to support the healthy development of children in their First 2000 days. View practical bite-sized videos to support your child’s development in three different age groups: 0 to 18 months, 18 months to 3 years and 3 years to 5 years

Other healthy lifestyle information

SCHN Factsheets
The Sydney Children’s Hospital Network Factsheets
These factsheets for families provide information on diseases and conditions, treatments, tests and procedures, and the use of medical support equipment
Improving the health of everybody
Improving the health of everybody
Local information and resources for different life stages to help your family
HEAL hkws
Healthy Eating Active Living website
Find healthy eating and active living tips and programs. We can help you find one small change in your day that will help you (and your family) be healthier.
Go4Fun logo
Go4Fun program
Go4Fun is a FREE 10-week healthy lifestyle program to help NSW 7-13 year olds lead healthier lives.  Programs run during the school terms. Our qualified health professionals lead the fun and interactive sessions. Go4Fun encourages children and their families to become fitter, healthier and happier.
Get healthy widget 440x240
Get Healthy Service
Get Healthy is a free telephone health coaching service. It helps provide you the expertise and motivation you need to reach your health goals.
MM Visual Snippets for Families
M&M Visual Snippets for Families
Check out our new visual snippets on healthy eating, physical activity, reducing screen time, drinking more water, healthy lunchboxes and more. You can download and share with your families through your online platforms or your service newsletter.

Want to find out about our programs?

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