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Crunch&Sip® Resources

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Crunch&Sip® Resources
Crunch&Sip® encourages children to eat more fruits and vegetables at school. Promote and implement this program at your school with these helpful resources.

Fundamental Movement Skills

Get skilled, Get Active booklet
Get Skilled, Get Active
Find support and ideas for learning, programming, teaching, observing and assessing fundamental movement skills.


teaching fundamental movement skills in NSW primary schools.png

Teaching fundamental movement skills in NSW primary schools
This Department of Education website has links to useful videos, curriculum resources and observation checklists.
Fundamental Movement Skills in action
Fundamental Movement Skills in Action booklet
Learn practical and easy game ideas for each fundamental movement skill for every stage and different skill level.


Resources to Get Kids Moving

Classroom Energisers and Brain Breaks

Learning can be tiring for kids! Taking short brain breaks every 25-30 minutes:

  • improves behaviour and concentration
  • increases physical activity
  • helps manage emotions and
  • enhance learning outcomes.


Go time! Energisers
GoTime! Energisers
Developed by Good for Kids, Good for Life.





Physically Active Children in Education (PACE)
Physically Active Children in Education (PACE) is an award-winning, evidence based program that supports schools to implement physical activity for all children across the school week. The program is FREE and includes training (3 hours NESA accredited), resources and equipment.


Brain Breaks
Brain Breaks
Developed by Northern Sydney Local Health District.

School Events - Active Travel

National Ride2School Day
National Ride2School Day
Register your school and encourage students to ride, walk, scoot or skate to school.
National Walk Safely to School Day
Walk Safely to School Day
Register your school and encourage your students and school community to walk and commute safely to school.

School resources - Active Travel

Bike riding after school GettyImages-1285379583

Get Kids Active
NSW Government information to make it easier, safer and more fun for kids to walk and ride to school. 


Teaching Resources

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Fast Starts
Fast Starts helps children engage in moderate to vigorous physical activity (huff 'n' puff) with minimal rules within 2 minutes, practising fundamental movement skills and tactical and creative movement.
Playing for life
Playing for Life
The Playing for Life activity cards adopt a game sense approach to teaching games and sport. They are aligned to Australian Curriculum teaching outcomes and support the development of children’s skills, confidence and lifelong interest in sport.
Yulunga TGI
Yulunga Traditional Indigenous Games
A selection of games and activities from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander societies all around Australia. It provides an opportunity to learn about, appreciate and experience aspects of Indigenous culture.
Sports Ability
Sports Ability
Inclusive activity cards designed to assist the delivery of sports-based activities that cater for all levels of ability.

Physical Activity and Screen Time Factsheets

get active
Get Active Each Day Fact Sheet
Learn how much activity your kids should be doing everyday and some practical tips to be more active.
Turn off the Screens Fact Sheet
Learn how much time your children should spend in front of screens and how you can manage screen time at home.

Resources to Encourage Healthy Eating

Teaching Resources

Taste Learn
Taste & Learn
A 5-week curriculum-aligned program to support student learning and foster enjoyment of vegetables to positively impact children’s health and wellbeing.
VegKIT Project
Resources to support schools to establish an environment that encourages children to learn about, try and eat vegetables every day.
Digital toolkit for teachers with short videos and lesson plans, designed to engage students in food education.
NSW Health Resources
Find a range of additional practical resources on teaching healthy eating in the classroom.
healthy lunchbox website
Healthy Lunchbox website
Find a range of healthy lunchbox tips and recipes as well as a practical lunchbox builder activity.
Swap it<
SWAP IT Healthy Lunchbox Program
SWAP IT is a free, evidence-based program that helps parents and carers replace unhealthy "sometimes foods" with healthier "everyday foods" in their child's lunchbox.

Nutrition Factsheets

healthy lunchbox poster thumbnail
Healthy Lunchbox factsheet
Find out how to pack a healthy lunchbox with food ideas from the 5 food groups.
choose water
Choose Water as a Drink Fact Sheet
Learn how much water children should drink everyday, practical tips to encourage children to drink more water and how much sugar is in some different drinks.
choose healthy
Choose Healthy Snacks Fact Sheet
Find some ideas for healthy snack foods, tips for planning healthy snacks and what foods to avoid eating everyday.
eat more fruit veg
Eat More Fruit and Vegetables Fact Sheet
Learn how much fruit and vegetables we should be eating everyday and some practical tips on how to eat more.

Healthy Lifestyle Newsletter Snippets

Newsletter snippets are a great way to share healthy lifestyle information with your school community. Snippet topics include practical ways families can:

  • eat healthy snacks
  • have healthy drinks
  • eat more fruit and vegetables and
  • turn off screens and get active.

Download snippets and add to your school's newsletters.



Healthy Lifestyle Resources to Share with Families

Find a range of resources that you can share with families to encourage healthy eating and active living.


National Nutrition and Physical Activity Recommendations

Find the current national guidelines for healthy eating, physical activity and sedentary behaviour for families.


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