Walking in Western Sydney
Walking is the most popular exercise. It is free, good for the mind, body and the environment, and most people can do it. So try to walk every day!
Walking only 30 minutes each day can help you feel fitter, healthier and happier. To achieve this, try aiming for a 30 minute walk or three 10 minute walks within your day. Swap short car trips for walking.
Tips for increasing walking in your day
Walk for travel
- Swap short car trips for walking
- Park further away from the shops, work, school or child care
- Take public transport
- Get off the bus or train a stop earlier
- Walk your children to school or the bus stop
- Walk more errands e.g. to the post office or the grocery shop
Walk with your friends or family
- Start a walking challenge with your friends, family or colleagues
- Walk the dog more or offer to walk your neighbour’s dog
- Join a walking group
- Join a parkrun- free, weekly 5km walking or running events in Western Sydney
- Walk around the oval while your child is playing sport
- Plan to go for a walk with your friends or family instead of catching up over lunch
- Use a pedometer to count your steps. Aim to increase your average daily steps
Walk at Work
- Take the stairs instead of the lift
- Try a walking meeting with your colleagues
- Walk during your lunch break
- Walk to a toilet that’s further away from your desk
- Walk to your colleagues desk instead of emailing them
- Set a reminder on your phone or computer to stand up and walk around the office every one to two hours
Walk to Work Day
Heart Foundation walking information
Join Heart Foundation Walking and take positive steps to help reduce stress, have a healthier body, build stronger relationships, and most of all, be happy!
Local Council Information
Parramatta Local Government Area
Walk in the City of Parramatta! There are great places to walk and be active every day.
The Hills Local Government Area
Walk, get out and be active every day! The Hills Shire has many great walking tracks.
Blacktown Local Government Area
Get walking in Blacktown City. Popular places to walk include:
- Walking in Blacktown City, also available in Arabic, Chinese, Nepalese, Punjabi and Tamil.
- Blacktown Showground, Nurragingy Reserve, Woodcroft Lake Reserve, The Ponds, Federation Forest, International Peace Park, Ashley Brown Reserve, Brewongle Walkway, Oppy Reserve, Plumpton Park, RAAF memorial Park, Timbertop Reserve, William Lawson Park.
Cumberland Local Government Area
Walk and be active every day in Cumberland. Find places to walk in Cumberland:
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