Committed to Research

WSLHD Research & Education Network Grants 2025

The WSLHD Research and Education Network is pleased to announce their competitive research funding scheme for 2025.
These grants will be open to all researchers within the WSLHD including Auburn, Blacktown, Westmead and Mt Druitt Hospitals or other WSLHD entities. The goal is to foster a culture of basic, clinical and translational research and to assist with the career development and future external funding opportunities for all researchers.

Grant details
This round is being announced now to allow commencement of the awarded projects in July 2025. Six grants, up to $50,000 each, will be offered for one year. Two will be awarded for early career, two for mid-career and two for advanced career researchers in any discipline. The grants can support salary and other research costs but will not support travel costs to conferences.

Selection Criteria
Following submission of applications, a formal peer review process will take place with ranking of all applications.
Selection criteria will include:
  • Feasible research plan (time, funding and resources must be addressed).
  • Ethics approvals must be obtained before funds are released.
  • Significance (value for the hospital in patient care, in the short term or long term).
  • Detailed budget (carefully outline of costs involved, including any outside funding that may be used).
  • It is important that the proposed project can be achieved within the specified timeframe and funding limit.

Reports after six and twelve months will be required as well as periodic briefings on ongoing progress.

All enquiries should be directed to Stephen Schibeci, Scientific Research Support Manager, WSLHD Research and Education Network, Email: [email protected] or Ph: 8890 5125, Mob: 0437 975 058

Submit your application electronically as an MS Word document (unsigned) and PDF (signed) with your curriculum vitae to [email protected] by 11 pm on Monday 3rd February 2025.


WSLHD Research & Education Network Grants 2025

grants TN

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