Committed to Research

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What is REDCap?

The REDCap (Research Electronic Data Capture) system is an online secure capture data collection and management tool for research use. It been provided by the Office for Health and Medical Research for the use of researchers in NSW Public Health LHDs, Networks and pillars.

REDCap provides automated export procedures for seamless data downloads to Excel and common statistical packages (SPSS, SAS, Stata, R), as well as a built-in project calendar, a scheduling module, ad hoc reporting tools, and advanced features, such as branching logic, file uploading, and calculated field.

Research Electronic Data Capture Office for Health and Medical Research REDCap instance, which is hosted in eHealth AWS cloud, maintained by eHealth, supported by the Office for Health and Medical Research (OHMR), and located at

REDCap Licence Agreement
All NSW Health users are required to agree to abide by the licensing agreement with Vanderbilt University prior to being granted access to REDCap. This includes:
• using the REDCap software for non-commercial health research purposes only
• citing REDCap appropriately when disseminating project findings of any kind.


Who can apply for a REDCap account?

NSW Health Employee
Only NSW Health Employees can request projects. (Any NSW Health employee (email address will automatically have access to REDCap using their Stafflink ID and windows password)
REDCap can be used for all non-commercial health research purposes including surveys, clinical trials, laboratory-based studies, health services research, consumer engagement projects and for clinical registries.
Please review the REDCap Governance process and ensure you receive the appropriate approvals for your project.

External Collaborator
Users that do not have an email domain will need to apply for access. This can be done by completing the REDCap User Access form.

Please note:
  • Email addresses must be an organisation email (gmail, yahoo, etc will not be accepted).
  • For external collaborator then it is mandatory to assign a sponsor from that LHD to monitor their access on an ongoing basis.



Requesting REDCap projects

If you are a NSW Health Employee please complete the Project Request Form.

If you are an External Collaborator you must complete the REDCap User Access form.
Please note: Email addresses must be an organisation email (gmail, yahoo, etc will not be accepted).


How do I login?

Log on to

When users access the REDCap login page, they will have the option of Logging in using NSWH Staff or External Collaborator options. For security reasons all NSWH Staff must login using the NSWH Staff button.

Important Notes:

  • All user accounts will be automatically suspended after 90 days of inactive use.
  • The use of generic or multi-user logins (user IDs) is not permitted by the REDCap licence agreement
  • REDCap is only accessible within Australia and New Zealand.


How to use REDCap

Training videos can be found on the following link

After watching the training videos if you need further assistance or have queries, please contact the WSLHD REDCap Super User on the following email [email protected]



REDCap Resources

One Page REDCap Guide
Project Development lifecycle
REDCap Access and User Guide
Research Data Management plan/checklist





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