WSLHD places high value on youth participation – this involves young people being active in decision-making processes for issues that affect their healthcare.

The WSLHD Youth Council’s role is to provide information and local perspectives on how to improve the health of young people in western Sydney. Members are young people aged 16-24 yrs. They collaborate with staff in planning, management and delivery of projects.

Through empowerment, purposeful engagement and inclusiveness, WSLHD wants to engage young people as partners in their health-care with a mission to:

  • Develop the voice of adolescent and young adult health in western Sydney,
  • Increase young people’s understanding of health and improve health literacy,
  • Contribute to the development of youth focused health services,
  • Make recommendations and suggestions to enhance current health services in western Sydney,
  • Develop and inform policy about transition care from paediatric to adult services, and;
  • Advocate on planning, development, integration and implementation of policy development and programs for young people.

The Youth Council meets monthly on a Wednesday evening from 6.30-8.30pm. If you would like more information or to join the Youth Council, visit our Youth Health webpage, or follow us on Instagram @westernsydneyyouth, or register your interest here.

QRCode for WSLHD Youth Council Expression of Interest

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