No smoking

Blacktown & Mount Druitt Hospitals

Smoke-Free Environment

We care about your health and the health of those around you, so Western Sydney Local Health District (WSLHD) is 100% Smoke free.

Patients, visitors and staff are not permitted to smoke anywhere on WSLHD grounds, within buildings or vehicles. This ban exists to eliminate exposure to harmful second-hand tobacco smoke as well as particulate matter emitted by e-cigarettes.

Visitors who choose to smoke are asked to move off the campus to do so.

Patients who are nicotine dependent will be offered support to manage their nicotine withdrawal during their admission, this includes nicotine replacement therapy such as patches or gum if clinically appropriate. If you are coming into hospital for a planned procedure please speak to your GP or the pre-admission clinic staff prior to admission for support to cut down or quit smoking, as this has been shown to have positive effects on your health, including your healing and recovery time.

Under the NSW Smoke-Free Environment Act 2000 fines will be issued to patients, staff and visitors who smoke within 4 metres of the pedestrian access points to buildings and enclosed public spaces, and at public transport hubs including bus stops and taxi ranks.

Outpatients receiving home visits are asked to refrain from smoking during the health workers visit.

For more information and support to cut down and quit speak to your GP, visit, download the ‘My QuitBuddy’ app or call the Quitline on 13 78 48.

The Quitline is a confidential telephone information and advice service. Professional advisors offer a free call-back service to offer support, help plan a quit attempt and provide advice on the use of nicotine replacement therapies.  In addition to the English speaking Quitline, there are culturally appropriate Aboriginal Quitline workers (request an Aboriginal Quitline worker when calling) and dedicated lines to assist people who speak the following languages:

  • English 13 78 48
  • Arabic: 1300 7848 03
  • Chinese (Cantonese and Mandarin): 1300 7848 36
  • Vietnamese: 1300 7848 65