WSLHD Health Services Plan: Growing Good Health in Western Sydney
The Health Services Plan: Growing Good Health in Western Sydney sets out our long-term plans and priorities for health care delivery in our hospitals, community health facilities and home services until 2026.
The Plan has been developed in consultation with staff, health partners including the Western Sydney Primary Health Network and Sydney Children’s Hospitals Network, and consumer representatives. It is designed to be flexible and responsive as contemporary health care evolves.
In Western Sydney Local Health District, we plan to direct more resources to priority groups with significant health needs, including children, young people and families, people living with a mental illness, older people, Aboriginal people, people with chronic and complex conditions, and people from diverse cultural backgrounds.
We will further invest in facilities and services, health technology and research and education. We also plan to connect more effectively with partners in our health care neighbourhood. Building stronger connections with primary care networks and other health care providers will ensure patients receive the best possible care, whether it is at home, in the community or at hospital.
The WSLHD Health Services Plan sits alongside and aligns with the WSLHD Better West Strategic Priorities 2017-2021.
The WSLHD Health Services Plan (HSP) documents can be accessed through the following links:
Summary – a 2-page summary sheet [PDF]
Overview – an easy to read 24 page document outlining key information [PDF]
Fact sheets:
- Key directions for WSLHD health services
- Future role and key directions for facilities
If you have any ideas, questions or feedback about the Plan, please contact us via:
WSLHD Health Services Planning and Development
[email protected]
(02) 8890 5555
Western Sydney Local Health District (WSLHD) Better West Strategic Priorities 2017- 2021
Our vision is to strive to become the healthiest population in NSW with an aim to be a trusted partner of our community, delivering modern cutting edge healthcare.
We want to create communities where people can live well, stay well and manage well; an environment where people are supported to improve their health and to live to their full potential; where individuals; their family and carers are active participants with a collective responsibility for optimising health outcomes. We are committed to working in partnership to deliver better health together.
Our focus will be on six priorities
- Patient Experience Matters
- Healthy People
- Integrated Research, Education and Clinical Care
- Exceptional People
- Information Underpins Everything We Do
- Spending Wisely
Our strategic priorities reflect our commitment to delivering modern health care in the areas that matter most to western Sydney. We will influence better health and well-being in our growing community. Achieving our priorities requires a shift in our resource investment and a redesign of our business. Our collective work over the last five years has stabilised our operations and consolidated our services, positioning our organisation to meet future health demands with confidence. We will be a stronger, healthier business over the next 5 – 10 years.
Visit Better West to find out more.
WSLHD Future Outlook
WSLHD & NSW Health Service Agreement
WSLHD Facility Budget Allocations
WSLHD Year in Review
NSW Health Annual Report
WSLHD Financial Statement
WSLHD Safety and Quality Accounts
WSLHD Asset Strategic Plan
WSLHD Corporate Governance Attestation Statement
WSLHD Workforce Strategic Framework
Centre for Infectious Diseases and Microbiology (CIDMPH Annual Reports)
LHD Model By-Laws
Aboriginal Health Action Plan
Broad Street Pump Newsletter
Watch: 2024 Annual Public Meeting (APM)
Look back on our Western Sydney community health forum to explore highlights in healthcare service delivery, the future of healthcare in your local health district, and insights shared by our Executive team, who answered key questions.